
vintage kate

ilovewildfox, pinterest

"I thought it was quite vain to say, I want to be a model."
--Kate Moss

I miss when Kate had her youthful vibe.


wildfox sun


OK, I'm officially in love with Wildfox Sun. The Edward Scissorhands pastel/Californian road trip  color palette and style is a stunner.
Quick update: I'm heading out of the country [or more like continent?] in a few days so I'm excited for that [I'm FINALLY going to go to Topshop] but unfortunately I'm only going to have Internet access once every few days..wish me luck.


when i'm with you, i have fun

ilovewildfox, tumblr

I have this odd urge to visit the beach right now

PS. The music video of 'Our Deal'..watch with caution+a box full of Kleenex.


feels like summer

Planet Blue lookbook+store

I've only been to Planet Blue once, and being in a rush, I only got to explore the store for about 4 minutes..so I can't really say that I know it that well. But looking at these photographs, you can get a sense of their laid-back, socal kind of look..I love how everything is so relaxed.



I haven't done a personal post in a while so I thought I'd do one. I spent this afternoon going shopping, and then taking little snapshots of random things in my room..aren't those bangles so cool? I'm obsessed with studs lately so I think I'll buy some more of them later.